Saturday, November 15, 2008

A Fly in the Ointment

I've been reading a lot about the prospective bailouts of the US auto makers and, since this is a politcal blog, I figured at some point I'd have to weight in on it. Now, I don't pretend to be a Big Expert in the economy like, obvoisuly duh, Obama! is, but I'll tell you, I'm not the bg, dumb fuck you all think I am because you are projecting your image of yourself on me. So, without further adoodie, here it is:

Fuck. Them. All.

Yeah, you heard me right. Is giving $75 billion to these idiots going to make me want to be seen tooling around town in a Cobalt SS? I don't fucking think so. A smoking hot blonde like me (bottle or otherwise) isn't going to be caught dead in anything they've even ever seen a picture of in Detroit. I mean, when was the last time you got decent tip from a F-150 driver? Right? Never? Yeah, I thought so.

Die, Detroit, Die. Like an unwanted fetus. Die.

1 comment:

thisismary said...

Dear dear Angry,

I happen to tip well, even when I roll up in my 14 year old F-150 with 223,000 miles on it. Unless of course you were to drop a tray of food on my lap, maybe even then if you did it with style.